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De nada :) (por lo del video).
Por cierto, excelente foto!
Por cierto, excelente foto!
What time of the year did you visit Holland? You will find the better temperatures here mostly in summer time of course! :-)
Ok yeah, you have a point there. But i don't think in our country murder rate would go up that much, if drugs were not legalised. Anyway, i am not supportive of that.
I visited the Carribean twice. I have been to two of the islands of the Dutch Antilles. You know them>
Hey dont excuse yourself for your English. I don't find anything wrong with is. Besides, my English is not perfect either :-)
hahah yes. Extremely cold I remember the Van Gogh Museum! Great museum!
Look I'm think that legalese is good.. For example the drug is illegal in PR but... in PR has too much drug and this is a big problem. Holland drug is legal and in 2011 had almost 160 murder, PR is illegal and in 2011 had 1,160 murder and our population is only 3.5 millions. and 85% of this murder is for drugs. Well...
You visited the Caribbean or America? or you never come?
Excuse my english Spanish is my first language.
Look I'm think that legalese is good.. For example the drug is illegal in PR but... in PR has too much drug and this is a big problem. Holland drug is legal and in 2011 had almost 160 murder, PR is illegal and in 2011 had 1,160 murder and our population is only 3.5 millions. and 85% of this murder is for drugs. Well...
You visited the Caribbean or America? or you never come?
Excuse my english Spanish is my first language.
And yes...many things are legalised in my country. I am not too happy about all that, but that is democracy, i suppose.
Nope, I dont live in Amsterdam but not really far from there either.
Thanks for replying to my message! Maybe we can have some more conversation if you wish?
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