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My name is Kayla :)
I hope we can be friends, I don't want to let politics be in the way of that... I hope so. :) God bless you <3

i am not shocked if some one from usa support israel , we know that sioniste control the congress and usa ... i know you can't judge me because i have the right and i am educated very well .. hamdoulah ... i have many jews friends against "the new NAZI =SIONSITE ISRAHELL " i don't ask you to believe what i am saying but i am sure you do :) i rememeber one of my jew friend told me : isn't a reason that you are muslim and i am jew to hate each other .. i like it !!! but i can't also accept if our mothers and childs death with phosphore bombs ... don't watch your news and listen to your governement !! listen to your mind and search alone everywhere the truth !!! i wish that you read two times my words !! i am not against you really !! and we won't kill your child but we haven't another thing to do to resist against a great army !!! if in israel killed 100 soldiat i want you know that in palestine death more than 1 200 person and they are not of hamas !!! they are childs ! israel bomb and explose the hospitals and schools , and houses in the night ! and israel start the war in RAMADAN because we are fasting ... really is so bad !!! in ramadan we don't fight and read coran , is a peaceful mounth for us to pray and fasting ! IBRAHAM is our prophete , we believe in your religion but you don't !! yes i can understand because your religion is first religion ! but you cannot say ! your prophete was the first prophete too ... your Book was changed by evil persons ... sioniste !! i want you read and read again my phrases ! and ask your grand parents from where we are coming !!! ask him please this question and answer me ... or you will not answer ; just i want you understand about what i am talking ....
you have the right to judge and tell me your idea !!! really i want understand how you think really !!! HORRIBLE !!!
Palestine for Palestinian , jew , christian and muslim ! for everyone , BUT NEVER ISRAEL , it's PALESTINE !! please please just use your mind omg !!! when was formed israel ? and who was live there ? :o
so not just hamas :) hamas and hezeb allah , iraq , tunisia , iran , syria , ordon , arabic saudi , algeria , maroc , russia , chine !!! we will destroy israel soon , if you are a jew you must be against israel really and ask where your grand parents were born and go back live there !!!! PALESTINE FOR PALESTINIAN
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