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Griff, 75 y.o.
York, United Kingdom [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2020
Hi There, I'm Marion from Canada. It's snowing like the dickens here after a long time and so indoors we have to stay. I have a dentist appt. at 11 am and waiting for my sis to come and drive me there. Many people here have the flu-outbreak. O how I long for spring with the shady trees, green grass, lovely flowers and time to walk to the park and read, watch the children play with their moms and dads. Canada is a great country-the Rockies, Banff, B.C, the Maritimes and the coastal areas are lovely in the summer. If you travel think of coming to Canada but research it first. Like old movies like Ziegfield Girl, etc Fred & Ginger, have many hobbies-Zumba, Ballroom dancing, Chi gong, Tai chi and yoga. Good for the toning of the body and enjoyment. WEI have to go now. Write when you can. Marion
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2019
Poor old boy. Sad life, all retired and such.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2016
Yes, I will answer here, then send you an email, so that we can continue there. It has taken me 2 days to access my account. Kept telling me I had to creat a profile, then showed me the basics of mine. When I clicked on it it told me I couldnt use that as it already belonged to someone! Er, yes- Me? It has done that before. I fox it with common sense mostly, but it takes a while.
Well, the locals seem to have discovered fresh cod around here, which is an enormous relief. They still have thise stacks of dried fish boards that have to be portioned with an industrial saw, especially in Portugal, but its poor dead fresh equivalent now lies on the ice next to it. I always hated bacalao because of the salt and the fact it was like chewing old shoe leather. A Spanish lady was kind enought to explain the different catergories, slightly salted, salty, and Dead Sea basically.
Around here you can just speak Spanish to the Portuguese, they get it. But then again, most of them will swap to English anyway. Under a certain age bar they all learned English at school, unlike the Spanish. And they are far more willing to try, which is nice. Not because I expect it, I am after all an univited guest in their place, the
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2016
Well, I just wrote a long reply and Interpals ate it! I hate it when it does that. I pressed post and it just disappeared
The Portuguese are very fond of bacalao too. They have Bacalao com nata, which is a kind of fish pie, and Bacalao dorada, which is a curious egg concoction with what I can only descibe as crisps! Made into very thin sticks, sort of julienne crisps. But Portuguese food isnt greatnither, just dont tell them, they are cery poud of their cusine! I have been told it is the
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2016
Hmm, food! lets just say it feeds you around here! Not the best cuisine in Spain. Ever heard of Migas? Fried breadcrumbs! they are inordinately fond of chickpeas and lentils too, nothing wrong with that, I like them too, but I do like something with them! Not just swimming in weak broth. And it
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2016
Oh, yeah, "The Piano!" Amazing Film. And Holly Hunter played all the music herself. No cue someone else
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2016
Wow! Reading your prof you seem like a kindred spirit! So they do exist! We seem to be fighting fom the same corner, under the same banner, whatever. I don
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2016
Thanks for your visit. I also like my food spicy with fresh peppers. I prefer the serrano pepper in my cuisine.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2015
Hi, Griff -

I just sent you an email. Sorry for my tardiness. I have a friend who is dying of cancer and I've been spending as much time as possible with her and helping the family.

That stable weather in Gran Canaria sounds delightful. I survived a flood in North Dakota and hope to never repeat that experience. Spain is one of the places I would consider expating to. More via email.

Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2015
Hi, Cliff -
I'm glad you sent me a message. I am interested in Spain. My nephew's wife is from Spain and her mother (and other family) still live there. It is a place I would like to visit.

I understand there are lots of expats who have made new homes in Spain. Did you find the daily living very different from what you were used to?

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