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Robert, 38 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 605.
inactive user
Robert! Me salio un mensaje de que actualizaste tu perfil, de vuelta por Interpals he?
inactive user
jajajajajaja me matas de la risa con lo despistado que andas!
y eso que andas aprendiendo esos idiomas??
ya se arabe, mis papas son del libano pero el resto de la flia nacio en venezuela!
realmente me paso lo mismo que tu, la flojera me gano y no me ha dado mas bien para aprender... asi que no lo he hecho..

yo estudiando mi postgrado en arquitectura.. y tu que haces?
te ves lindo en esa foto :)
inactive user
i feel so ignored! how dare you?! *slaps you*

siiii y tu tambien?? :D
y eso que andas aprendiendo los idiomas asiaticos??
inactive user
ill be your friend!
inactive user
hola !! =]
inactive user
hello? long time no see! XD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2010
Hey. You have been crazy lately? Haha. Ain't everyone is crazy all the time? Haha.

Good to know you are enjoying your school. As for me school is very stressful. Haha. Last few weeks i had a test and i failed for all the subjects. And i'm getting sick of college activities. Every nite got meeting. Don't they know our priority is to study? Since i am a rule breaker so i skip all the activities. Even if they want to kick me out of the hostel i dont care. Haha.

Sometimes i feel like giving up. This is the 1st time i truely feel the hardship of studying. Haha. Once you enter medicine there's no turning back and no break. It will go on and on and on till you decide to give up. Otherwise it will go on forever. I wish i were as talented as you. I get very jealous seeing art people. I guess you all have a lot of fun. Im sick of facts. I really wish god could grant me a drawing talent.

I shopped almost a dozen of books but no time to read. Only manage to finish one book so far. Haha. I miss my old life. Wish i could turn back time and enjoy my childhood to the fullest.

Take care! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2010
yes. i'm in school again. haha. how is it? very hectic schedule. not enough sleep. and i eat like pig. i use too much energy for walking, studying, listening to lectures, college activities and dealing with super demanding seniors. haha. but after almost a month, i think i kind of like the hectic life. i dont feel useless like i used to feel.

not every semester i change school. last semester i was doing a different programme. now im doing a new programme. for every new programme we can either stay at the same college or move to another college. so for me, i moved to another college. i love my new college. only a thing that i utterly hate which is racial segregation. i dont understand why in this era there are still some people who are very racists. i dont blame the new students instead i blame the seniors who are responsible for this segregation. they planted hatred toward other races in each and every juniors.

i stay in a residential college. i am very lucky to be placed in non-medical residential college. if you go to medical residential college, you would mistaken it was a graveyard. haha. very quiet and seriously lifeless. but my place is really rock! we have a lot of projects organized by ourselves. in the lecture hall, the tension is already too depressing. so i'm glad i dont stay with all medical students. otherwise i'll just be a living coarpse. haha.

i really miss reading. i left my books almost a month. i still read fantasy fiction but not as fanatic as i used to be. now everyday i read anatomy, biochemistry and physiology books. next year people might label me as a geek. haha.

i miss my ex-roommates in my previous college. my current roommate always MIA. so i live alone in my room burying myself in medical books. lucky i have college projects. otherwise i'd be dead due too depression. haha.

you are going back to mexico? it's so good! how long will you be there? do tell me about your hometown trip. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2010
jajja, ps todo va muy bien, estuve ya 5 meses en como becario en M&G Polimeros y me hablaron de BASF y ahorita estoy ahi, lo malo esk van a ser otros 6 meses de levantarse a las 6am, trabajar,ir a escuela y llegar a casa a las 10.30PM :(
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2010
K onda Rob! si te metes a esta cosa pasa a saludar no seas gacho wey! -.-
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