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Gabby, 29 y.o.
Providence, United States [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
ohhh okay ! how were they ? ( it's english my sentence ? lol )
inactive user
cool cool cool ! :D
no we haven't a uniforms and you ?
inactive user
ohhh I forgot ! Happy Thanksgiving you too ;)
In france we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but thanks you nevertheless. 8$
inactive user
ah I knew it ! it's like on TV I'm sure ! hi hi hi

we don't have these classes in college,classes are general, me I have 11 subjects : History & Geography ~ Math ~ Sports ~ English ~ Spanish ~ Art ~ Technology ~ Science & Life of Earth ~ Music Physical-Chemistry ~ French
and this year we can take an option that is " art history " it's super !
(8 and in the end of your 3rd you do ' le brevet des collèges ' it's a BIG test important, of all you have learning during the college :)

at high school there are tons of classes that can be chosen for instance if you go into a general high school ( usually,it's when you know too what you want to do later) you can take the class' L ( literar ), the class S ( Scientific) and all, there are tons of things to do after college? and after you do ' Le Baccalauréat ' ( the Bachelor ) 8)

and you ?
inactive user
ohh okay it looks so good !
my college ( i'm 9th grade in france it's ' La 3eme ' ) is completely rotten, people are completely immature, nothing of interest academically speaking this word exists? ), They know nothing. they are more based on their histories of heart, there is a lot of fuss about nothing, everybody's always bad mood when we talk about something they do not care. they are interested only by the clothes and giggling the whole time. The people of my college does not speak to those who dress badly or ugly, it's amazing how in France the physical is so important. Teachers are completely different from other countries! they are very strict, and really weird. College starts at 8 and finished at 5 it's very hard. but we have many holidays !

How is the mentality of teenagers and teachers in the United States?
inactive user
ahh cool ! How is your school in your town ? have you got any cliques in your school ? :)
inactive user
héhé ! Yes I live near Paris at 2 hours of Paris ^^' but it's fast ! how is Rode Island ? I hear a lot about the 'Providence' ! :)
inactive user
Thank you too!! :))))))))
inactive user
I'm Marie.
I'm fine and you?
inactive user
^^ oh i'm fine thanks and you ?
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