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Natasha, 29 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2014
о everybody's attention!

Here is the message from Ukrainian and Russian citizens to the people of the world. The more we look at the news as they spread by the major agencies and TV channels, the more it becomes obvious that the truth about tragic events in Odessa on May 2 is going to be withheld from the general public, which in turn is being fed the distorted picture.

We feel it is our civic duty to share the true details of what is happening in Ukraine. The more so as Europe is turning blind eye to the spread of fascism in Ukraine, the blind eye which borders with disturbing and criminal direct promotion of neo-Nazism.

On May 2, Odessa fell a victim to a neo-Nazi invasion. On surface, that might have looked as an apparent confrontation between the ultranationalist football fans and Odessa citizens, but it is not the case. Those who posed themselves as football fans, were directly inspired, and dispatched to Odessa, by the neo-Nazi illegitimate regime in Kiev. Here below we shall refer to them as "nationalists".

The sole target of nationalists who had certain support among, and posed themselves as, football fans was an intimidation of citizens of Odessa who oppose the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. Those who stand for the right of the Russian-speakers in Ukraine, those who seek the federalization of the country as a peaceful way out of the current unrest and turmoil. We shall refer to them as "federalists". The neo-Nazi government which has usurped the power in Kiev after illegitimately ousting Yanukovich, dares to label them "federalists"

The story as spread by the world media is that "peaceful" nationalists were unarmed, but the truth is that they started the fight wielding iron bars, Molotov cocktails and some of them were armed with handguns. Police preferred to stay indifferent and did nothing to prevent provocations. Upon the confrontation on the central street, the overwhelming crowd of nationalists overpowered the federalists and set on fire th
inactive user
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2012
thanks :)
inactive user
Hello again!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2012
Немає за що! :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2012
Бажаю щастя , радості, достатку,здоров'я , здійснення найзаповітніших мрій i успіхів! :)
inactive user
Hey! long time :D I'm good :) how about you? how the compitition was by the way?
inactive user
I compitate in a robotic compitition with my team :D it is really fun! I learn electronic and programing this year! :D last year I learnt animation. I hope I'll be good at that :D
inactive user
I hope too :P what kind of question they ask in this competition? do you compitate in another compititions?
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