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Taylor, 28 y.o.
Cartersville, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2020
I've seen you take care of your mother. It's good. You're a very nice person
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2019
wow I was surprised by your message on your wall, really very unteresante! and really good that you take care of your mom! Keep it up! and how glad you like manga, anime, and video games! You are an ideal person for a player, hahaha!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2015
Nice to meet you, I'm Meng.
What's your name?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2015
Thanks for your post!

Well, my job isn't fun at all. Most of the time I'm just dealing with some data records. I work in a library with focus on only contemporary Asian art, which is hardly a subject I am familiar with and interested in but I am trying to know more about it. But the job is easy, not stressful at all, so okay for me.

Are you studying?
inactive user
^^ thx for visit my profile
nice to meet u
inactive user
Hello Taylor

thank you for visiting my profile.

I'm nice to meet you. :)
inactive user
I am in the USA now and I am in Georgia too, it looks we both live not to far away. Do you got any southern accent ?
inactive user
Well I missed the opportunity to send you he fourth comment on your wall buy nevertheless I am still under 10. Wait, everyone hates Georgia ? Why ?
inactive user
Eh?! I'm sorry. what does it mean? :O
inactive user
Thanks for your message :)
and i already heard of the yellow dust so I'll be careful ;D
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