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Ksenia, 30 y.o.
Wrocław, Poland [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2015
i have a friend also from Poznan... and i think y'all Polish love classical... CMIIW... i have my own opinion about Ludwig Van Beethoven... his music wasn't something to paid by aristocracy... remember that he said "there's a lot of aristocratic!, but just only one Beethoven".. how could he makes some great music without heard the result!.. absolutely god!... can i be your friend? :P
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2015
Dzien dobry.
Jak się masz?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2014
Wow what a medical tip you're giving me! :p
I'm going to try it tonight, for sure!
So you have no class in the evening? You're so lucky! I study 9 hours per day and I have to study about 4 or 5 at night...

Can't you take pills that contain Magnesium and drink coffee in the same time? :o

Oh well... So far, yes. But who knows how much it's going to last... :/
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2014
Haha hi Poland :p

I feel you, really! I'm also lacking sleep because of school and coffee has no effect on me anymoooooore!!! D:
Do you have any tips to stay awake?

Oh yes, it's sure a horrible place! Ebola in the South and ISIS in the East... ugh (maybe that for you, everything's in the South lol)

How was your day?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2014
To your last quote : FIFTEEEEEEEN !

I really really really (infinite times) like your profile ! Oh yes, the coffee smells so good! *_*
Are you currently reading something?
Greetings from Morocco by the way
inactive user
Well that is what covers of my biodata up. I havent seen a polish hospital but come on, they cant be that bad. I mean they are still a part of europe. I have seen german ones and they are quite awesome. I know, medicine is like a disease in my family. These idiots wont take up any other profession.
I studied most of my life in Scotland and now have moved down south. i have most of my family in US and since my parents are moving there so i thought i should give this residency thing a go because there isnt much that is tying me down here. Atleast i will be able to have a ranch of mine with horses.
You do realize by the time you graduate the residency slots might be closed, Read this
inactive user
Well i just need to complete my residency so that i could join the rest of my family at Oklahoma heart. I do have an idea about how good the hospitals are cause i have worked there and here. First thing first you do need to get your degree but there are a few good places you can do your internship to build your cv. My cousin used to work at Mass Gen.
I have inbox you his link....
I love to swim and horses as well. I used to play polo in scotland but now i guess iam too busy for this. I will though start a better and regular routine after the interview hassel.
Iam an awesome cook because of the fact i have living alone for a while....
inactive user
Endocrine is good since i have enough family in cardiology in the states. I have done my USMLEs and have my residency interviews in a month or so. I love it here but i think i would have a better lifestyle there. I did my internship at UV, charlottesvilles va. i had a heck of a time there but right now i think i might get a placement in Texas. So what else do you do besides studies?
inactive user
I have graduated from Dundee university and did my two years of training there as a junior doctor. Iam now in general medicine and will specialize in possibly endocrinology cause i like it. Have you heard about any good hospitals in London?
inactive user
But i dont think so i have seen orange flavoured beans being sold. I know it might sound strange but you wont even realize how you will breeze through your years at med school. I do sense a bit of creativity from your pictures, probably the SLR is being put to good use.
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