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Ene_x, 30 y.o.
Yeonil, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 426.
inactive user
How are you today ?
Long time no see you ><
inactive user
Hey :D
long time no talk.. :D
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2010
inactive user
i would actually say that boarding school makes you more independent and more free... :D it's kinda cool in europe...but i don#t know about boarding schools in korea <_< maybe it's different there.

i know the feeling, when you just dont feel like doing anything, right? xDD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2010
Hi =)
don't worry :p
how are you? ^^

kkk, yes your uniform look like sweet! lol
i want one >< haha :p
inactive user
today's my b-day, yay ^^
inactive user
no I live in a boarding school xD now you know.
so you won't do anything special in the holidays? :/ well I hope the test was good xD I know, studying can really suck sometimes, but we have this very wise saying "wat mut dat mut" (you have to do what you have to do) or something xD :S
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2010
Yes i know! it is translated kkk
i will watch if you like ^^
do you like "witch amusement" i watch that, it's funny x)

why? At High school you don't wear uniform?
I think uniform it's so cool >//<
inactive user
yup, drinking is bad ^^

i watched, because since you've told me about this i wanted,
but now i have time so... xD
ah, every time i watch 'Antique Bakery' i want eat something sweet ><

well, i like independent guys, someone who would like me, but show me that in... harsh way, lol.
i could do what i want but still know i could depend on him ^^
bad guy is cool xD
of course no beating - not that bad ;d
bad guy would protect me. and should be little funny too.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2010
Hi =)
sorry, i was make a mistake ^^"
i wanna say " i will watch a korean drama for celebrat my Vacation " lol

Because here, on the keyboard the "N" is near the "B"
kkk, i like sleep also! x) but high school is envy <== jalouse xD

so good luck! ;-)
when you start ?
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