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Edward Soo, 35 y.o.
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 124.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2008
heeeey~ sorry sorry i haven\'t been online here in ages so my reply is really late. happy late Valentine\'s ^__^ so how have you been? busy with studying? i have my winter vacation now so i\'m doing good... but i think i have to buy new shoes HAHA! well i have to go now so take care! :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2008
hehe yeah, many people asked if i talk french because i have wrote \'moi\' in my pic XD actually i didnt know that it has a meaning in fench as well. but haha i know one word in french now :P hmm i dont know what i\'m looking at my pic, i dont even remember why i have a pose like that XD i was doing some things with my friends when that pic was taken. yup, i\'m going to cut my hair so it\'s gonna be a little shorter and i\'m also going to dye it to some other color but i dont know that which color should i dye it to =D hoi have to go now but take care! ^ - ^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2008
i wasnt sad in that pic :D i was just typing message with my cell and my friend took a pic haha~ yeah, two weeks till Valentines @__@ i\'m gonna cut my hair in that day hahha thats my plans for valentines day~ and i\'m going to cinema with my friends :D what are you going to do? =)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2008
hmm so are you gonna give flowers to someone? ;D i bet your going to do that hehhe~ do you give chocolates in Malaysia or just flowers? nope, i dont have a boyfriend~ and your wrong, there arent many guys after me *shying* :\'D there was a cute cat in my pic \'cause i felt like putting it there hehe no special reason! miss you too! see you later and take care! ~~
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2008

hehhe are you kidding me Ô___Ô i should try modelling? >:\'O oh well, i\'m too short for being a model so i cant do it hehhe~ your right, worrying doesnt help anything so let us keep things like they are :D anyway, how\'s your school? and do you celebrate Valentines day in Malaysia? ^.^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2008
hellooooow ^____^ hahah yeah i\'m a naughty girl \'cause i dont do my homework on time haha ! today i wrote one Essay and it was for 6 pages -.-\' i was so tired after writing that so i went home and took a little nap.. HAHA XD yup it\'s true that girls have so many different kinds of shoes and guys have a like half of that amount >;P i\'m not complaining tho hehhe~ are you still having troubles when you try to sleep? i\'m always thinking way too many things when i\'m supposed to sleep and i\'m always tired because of that... it\'s not good >:\'O
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2008
YOYO XD reports of Sciense and Chemistry and then i have to finish my art project~ i\'m only halfway through and it has to be ready on monday *gulp* i think i\'m in trouble hehe this is my final art work sooo it has to be good :D i feel some pressure against me now but i\'ll survive hehe~ yeah you look like a Lawyer Eddie *thumbs up* so go for it! you have to study a lot but i think it\'s worth it! yeaaa selling designer shoes would be like a dream job to me HEHE but i guess i would buy all those shoes for myself XD oh and thank you about the compliment!!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2008

heey Eddie!! hmm i guess your post got drowned again but no worries, i found it hahha i havent been online for few days so sorry about late reply~ everything is going smoothly in here, i just have too many reports to write during this weekend but i will survive haha! i\'m happy to hear that you have met some new people in there and i\'m sure that college is way better than HS XD actually i would like to sell some designer shoes in future hehe how did you know this >:\'3 and i wanna be a tour guide. what do you wanna do in the future? miss you too : D - Erica
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2008
hmm yeah i guess your reply got drowned again =__=\' i\'m sorry hehe. soundsl ike you had awesome time in Thailand! did you take many pics? my christmas holidays are over and tomorrow i\'m going back to school, it\'s not so bad because i want to see all my classmates~ it\'s amazing that your in College even tho you are just one year older than i am... and i\'m in 1st grade of high school :D but i hope you meet many new people in College!
inactive user
Oh that\'s cool, studying in the UK!! Yeah maybe you can come to Holland one day :P That would be nice!! Then you can really see how tall I am ;) Keep informing me about your study plans!! See you around! xx
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