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Dawn, 46 y.o.
Newtownabbey, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 686.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2011
hey dawner.its brian trying to halla at you, hope your fine. its been along time since i ever had from you. am looking forward to hear from you
inactive user
Hi this is Ronald from India. I am 42 years old and work as an accountant. Like to be my friend
inactive user
how are u?
inactive user
This is Ronald from Mangalore, India. I hope U know this place. I am 42 years old. Married and have a daughter of 11 years old. I work as an Accountant for a Christian Institution.

Nice to hear from U soon.

inactive user
hi how are you dawners
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2009
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2008
hi sexy how ru ? u forgot mee yarr
inactive user
inactive user
hi how r u ?
inactive user
how was your weekend ?

well we alreday finished the summer so have a good AUTUMN :)
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