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David, 35 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2507.
inactive user
Hey David :)
You sent me a comment over a year ago & I havent been on in ages, soo thats why im just replying now lol. How are you? x
inactive user
ahaha I'm not sure about that xP
what have you done this weekend?
I went to the icehouse yesterday and to healesville sanctuary today. Oh my god I saw kangaroos! *_*
have you been there?
inactive user
"The female then leaves the male to rest while she gathers food for him to eat as he has just spent a lot of energy on mating with her, a sign of what should be natural for all species."
ahah rapresentative of the man's brain xP
anyway I couldn't do something like that, my vocabulary is too poor :(
inactive user
Ook I'm here.
tarantulas can be devided into two big groups basing from their mating habits. The first one is the relaxed. In this group the man of tarantula wait for the woman tarantula doing nothing. After making love, both sleep for a day. The second one is the violent. After a fight between the men for the woman (how original) the winner can make love with the women. After it, she eat him.
That's all :P
inactive user
just a moment I'm eating :D after I'll write everything ahah
inactive user
Am I allowed to search something on wikipedia? Just to have more details :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2010
Hey David! I'm fine thanks and how are you?
I haven't read your profile yet because it's quite long and I have to finish a project for tomorrow...and it's already 3 am hahah
Hehehe thanks! Our accent is nice I guess...I like it (:
Argentina has many other places to see besides Iguazu and Buenos Aires...I'd recommend you to go to Mendoza, the highest mountains in America, they are really nice, and also the glaciers in the south, which are the biggest in the world, but they are melting because of the global warming...too sad. You can watch the video in my profile and tell me if there's a particular landscape you like, and I tell toy where that is. Ok, gotta finish my german trailer for tomorrow, my winter holidays are over and i have to go back to uni tomorrow! Talk to you soon!
inactive user
I kind of had the impression that you'd be offended if I didn't ask from this: "Oh and also! If I ask how are you, it's generally polite to ask how I am when you answer, even if you don't give a toss I'm fine with that, just don't be rude." =p Hence the cool and subtle "how are you" tossed into that little sentence I sent to you earlier.

Haha, yes, it does say what I do on my profile. Good of you to, erm, notice. XD I'm kidding, it's completely fine that you missed that part. Wasn't quite interesting anyway, honestly! I think we have a new syllabus for psychology - hence all the cool criminal psychology stuff. :)

Erm, let's see, what's something I can tell you that's not on my profile... I could eat my body weight in sushi. And that's a lot of sushi. Your turn?
inactive user
Hey there! I'm fantastic, thank you, how are you? (Did I do that correctly? I swear, I was so worried that you'd be angry if I didn't ask how you were back XD - Just kidding)

We're doing criminal psychology in my A-level psychology classes right now. It's awesome that you're doing it in uni! How's it going?

And I refuse to believe that I am a Nazi, thank you very much.
inactive user
hmmmmmm. I was browsing a book about arts earlier then I saw a picture of the statue of David by Michelangelo and I thought about you.

Now, I wonder what has happened to you David? *worried*
Did you also turn in to a statue? :O

I guess I just missed the long talks. xD

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