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Sierra, 35 y.o.
Arlington, United States [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
inactive user
How are you doing?^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2010
haha, hey!!

yeah i know..looong-assed time to reply..but ahh, i only logged in again after a good many months! HUUGE backlog of all you guys to reply to T__T

lazy moody librans are ALWAYS awesome people ;D

i'm up & down, as usual~'re you doing ^^?

& i LOVE both the photos you have up~ you take them yourself?? ^__^

inactive user
hey) thanks for the message))
how are you today?
inactive user
Hey, sorry. I just noticed a wall post you had left me ages ago : )
So, sorry for such a late reply. But I haven't really been using Interpals these days..
So, hello there : )
My name's Leel. How's you?
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2010
I’ve read Fight Club, Survivor, Invisible Monster, Choke, Lullaby, Diary, Rant, Snuff and Stranger than Fiction….and I’m waiting for my Haunted and Pygmy to arrive. Can’t wait to get to read Haunted, I’ve only read Guts and it was horribly good. I can’t wait to get my hand on it.
But I can’t really say witch is my favourite, because I love them all, but maybe Fight Club and Invisible Monster are my two favourites this far.

Well life is pretty quiet right now in Finland, at least for me. It’s getting warmer and warmer every day and I’m already kind of on a holiday. No school and I still haven’t found a job, so time to do all my projects and design what to wear fro my graduation. So yeah, nothing much, economic sucks, but can’t help it.
But yeah so how is life there in America??
inactive user
Haha, nice. I saw it for the first time last week, the courtroom speech and the end was so damn epic. I started watching the second one and it was terrible. Stopped watching 30 minutes into it, haha.
Never heard of that one. What's it about? Last book I read aside from Haunted was The Catcher in the Rye. Great book.
inactive user
Haha, I found a torrent online and got it that way :P
The movie was awesome, I didn't understand it the first time, but it made more sense the second and third lol. Boondock Saints was an interesting movie too. Have you seen that one?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2010
Haha sounds good (:
inactive user
Yup, I read Fight Club before Haunted. Didn't know it was a book, haha. Definitely a good read, better than the movie imo.
inactive user
Hey there :P I saw on NeoGreen's profile that you read Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, eh? I just finished reading that 2 weeks ago, it was awesome :) I'm Raghu, by the way. Nice to meet you!
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