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ooh dear, kaki kamu ok x sekarang??pergi urut kaki baru cepat sembuh.how ur exam??insyallah buat yang terbaik dan boleh berjaya:) yep habis stdy nnti sy akan bkerja.fokus dalam kelas , dan fahamkan matapelajaran nnti cepat faham :) all da best dear.hati2 bawa motor
oh dear, hati-hati ya bila membonceng motor ya..kamu bagaimana skrang?ada kecederaan?iya sy hampir habis master insyallah in July.
kamu bagaimana pelajaran??semuanya baik2???
kamu pun moga sukses juga ya..take care
kamu bagaimana pelajaran??semuanya baik2???
kamu pun moga sukses juga ya..take care
hi sweetie,mesti la sy masih ingt kamu.sy disini baik,kamu bagaimana?sihat??sy sambung belajar peringkat master skrang.beberapa bulan akn habis.
i'm on now! :D welcome to my interpals. hope can be friend with you there. have a good day.
Hi !! How are you ? Year =) I'have many nicknames like Maë, Cera, Malou, E.T.... x'D Do you have trouble saying my name ? CKY ? It's your pseudo on interpals, so I can call you CKY ^^''. But what's sinification of CKY ?
Yes, at that times I d'on't connected on interpals because I'm very busy. For 2 weeks, I'm doing a camp where I'm gonna get my temps to drive with my parents.
I'm understand, before my holidays I was on exam too. It was so hard but I succeded that =). When will have your results ?
One again, I'm very sorry for my later.
See you =)
Yes, at that times I d'on't connected on interpals because I'm very busy. For 2 weeks, I'm doing a camp where I'm gonna get my temps to drive with my parents.
I'm understand, before my holidays I was on exam too. It was so hard but I succeded that =). When will have your results ?
One again, I'm very sorry for my later.
See you =)

Yes, koalas and kangaroos are native to Australia. You must come here one day.
The beaches are amazing.
My day was fine thanks. Not really interesting. I have PE tomorrow=(
You too, take care.

I'm in year 9 currently at school. I don't like school=/
It's too stressful.
Here in Australia, the beaches are really nice over here and they have really nice native animals.
How about over there?
khabar baik jugak..cuma agak busy dgn assignments ,tests...sy skrang di tahun 2 masuk tahun 3 stdy.kind busy with research..xsabar mau habis:)hujung minggu ni sy akan pulang ke rumah.x sabar
hey ..kamu apa khabar?lama tidak dengar khabar dari kamu..
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