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Kyle, 36 y.o.
Farmington, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 568.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2014
Hello! How have you been? I was a bit of a hiatus from here. What's new?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2013
Ironically, I almost made science my minor. Then a couple astronomy classes when and changed my mind... I rather take engineer math.. haha.. x.x
Ah, thank you ^.-
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2013
oh you are painter och that is just a hobby? cool. Yeah hopefully someday haha. Thank you:)
inactive user
Hahah, when I read the email notification on this wallpost, I read "if that is your taste then you have a problem..." I was barely awake yet, that's my excuse! Hahah! Well I actually like pretty much any music, to be honest. Right now I'm listening to Belarusian folk music, for example... haha :D
Yeah Miley Cyrus has some good music, I wrote her name there right after falling in love with her song Wrecking ball... now, that love has faded a little bit and I'm more into Birdy haha :)

That's cool! I studied art for a year so I did a lot of painting and sculpting and drawing with pencils, it's a lot of fun! :) What do you like to write?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2013
I suppose I don't have that worry as I'm living with my family. That sounds really interesting. I would like to learn about game development. How did you start? Are you allowed to tell me more about your game? ;-) Thank you! I have a temporary/trial position starting this week which could become permanent. I also have been offered another job so I may have to choose between the two. Either way, I'll be earning money so I can really start to save. How is your job search going?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2013
What project are you working on now? I hope you find a job with better pay. I have a couple of interviews this weekend so I am hopeful that I will get a job this month. Yes, I am definitely looking forward to worrying less about money.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2013
I know...I'm sorry. ;-) That's good. If I remember correctly, I was rather impressed with your art. Are you looking for a particular job? This year has had ups and downs but I've come through so it hasn't been too bad. I've been working part time and I'm hoping to find more work too.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2013
Kyle, I'm only just replying to your last message to me in January - I'm sorry! How has the year been for you so far?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2013
She is the ultimate composer of video games music!!!! how can u not know her¡?¡?¡ She wrote all the music from Cowboy Bebop!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2013
do u know Yoko Kano???
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