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Cheatka, 32 y.o.
Krasnoyarsk, Russia [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2011
hey cheatka
have exelent summer to u
hug from brazil
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2010
Hi! Merry Christmas and best wishes from Germany! How are you? )
inactive user
great pictures!:D
inactive user
did u played voleyball or swim?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2010
Greetings from Poland :) Have a wonderful Christmas :)
inactive user
well.. something about your style makes me wonder...what you like to dance to?

inactive user
that's absolutely unfortunate xD well there is a teacher in my school who is 160cm.... he's man. how miserable.. but he's married and has children. well, that's fortunate
inactive user
thx a lot xD really.
are russian guys tall just like russian girls?
inactive user
привет! Как поживаете?
Я изучаю русский язык и литературу в университете. ты можешь помочь мне улучшить мой русский?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2010
что не говори, а русский язык чертовски многогранен:))))))
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