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Brownchild, 45 y.o.
Libreville, Gabon [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
Ca va bien merci et toi?
inactive user
Ca va bien merci et toi?
inactive user
Ca va?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2012
hello how are u my name is zakaria from burkina faso
inactive user
ive been great how have you been
inactive user
thanks for your comments oh you will study abroad in norway? so nice to hear
yes there are many jobs here.. but most of them are not cool i guess.. but thanks for your hoping and i hope i would get a good job as welll
thanks for your address i will email you when im not here
inactive user
hah yah i hope so.. im not sure yet which industry i work for though
yes i left univ about 4 years ago and after that worked for a while and now came back to school again im poor now so i want to work right now
inactive user
welcome im satoru nice to see you wow your job sounds hard but also nice im still studying law and something
yah the distance doesnt matter so much on friendship i think
inactive user
haha why crime no way im not that cruel
so how are you doing
inactive user
Fk off. Then again, I am highly turned on by your username "brownchild", so scat, I mean "chat" with me more.

Do you realize I am a shyt eater? The colour of the average person's shyt is what? If you guessed brown you are awarded a special bowl of my recycled shyt.

Corn; a man's best friend!
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