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Brittani, 30 y.o.
San Diego, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
HeY" !

Wassup today ?

U're Okay ?

inactive user
hi how are you
inactive user
lol ur a cutie babygirl. long time no talk. how u been?
ul always be ma queen ;)
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2008
hey britt!
inactive user
Hell\'O sorry for the time, I\'ll send my adress ^^

In the private message, of course =D
inactive user
If I\'ll travel, I\'ll send U many postcards from France but I have already a postcard from France ! Yes !! I would like receive a American teddy =) and if U agree, I would like an American postcard too ^^ !

Do U want others thing ??? ;)
I send U my address soon !
inactive user
HeY\' ! Wassup ?
I love your teddy ^^

I collecting teddy =3
Do you want french postcard ?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2008
hey britt luv yooh!
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