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Victory, 43 y.o.
Wuhan, China [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2013
Hi I am Nwankwo Greeting From Africa
inactive user
Compliments of the day to you.
I am grace by name I am single however how are you,hope you are fine I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it,if you don't mind i will love to know you much better , please i will like you to send me a mail on my private email ([email protected]) included,so that i will tell you all you needs to know about me and a picture of myself.i do believe distance and co-lour will not be a barear between us,hoping to read from you,thanks and God bless .a
Best Regard,
please contact me now through my email address([email protected])


____000__________I LOVE__________000___
___000___________FRIEND__________ 000__
______000__________MY_________000_ ____
________000______HEART______000__ __
__________000 ____SAVE_____000____ _
____________000__ KISS__000______ ___
______________000 U 000_________ __
_________________I LOVE U___________ _
___________________ BYE__

inactive user
Compliments of the day to you.
I am grace by name I am single however how are you,hope you are fine I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it,if you don't mind i will love to know you much better , please i will like you to send me a mail on my private email ([email protected]) included,so that i will tell you all you needs to know about me and a picture of myself.i do believe distance and co-lour will not be a barear between us,hoping to read from you,thanks and God bless .a
Best Regard,
please contact me now through my email address([email protected])


____000__________I LOVE__________000___
___000___________FRIEND__________ 000__
______000__________MY_________000_ ____
________000______HEART______000__ __
__________000 ____SAVE_____000____ _
____________000__ KISS__000______ ___
______________000 U 000_________ __
_________________I LOVE U___________ _
___________________ BYE__

inactive user
I like your profile, very origianal! Greetings Sabrina.
inactive user
i loved your profile
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