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Anna, 26 y.o.
Astana, Kazakhstan [Current City]
Tyumen, Russia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree


English teacher

Relationship status


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
inactive user
Another grandma, she goes to a different school.
inactive user
No more white socks. For some reason they got to stiff. Difficult to walk in them
inactive user
Nice to meet you. What activities you like to do in your free time? Have you visited usa?
inactive user
I'm actually lactose intolerant. so unfortunately cheese is a dirty mistress to me. if i ever choose to indulge, it will ruin my life. My mistress' name is sharp cheddar
inactive user
Nah, europeans love to wear black socks and not wear deodorant. That's me now :D
inactive user
I no longer wear white socks; i want to fit in with the European crowd :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2020
it is sad :'/
inactive user
Thank you for your lovely comment 💖
inactive user
hey, Anya.
to answer your question about being asked to get married, it's probably been... let me see. I've been on this website for like 2 years or so, and there are 365 days in a year. and a guy or girl asks me about 2-5 times everyday, so i'll say about 2000 times, 1500, if you don't include the people who've asked me before.
And no i haven't accepted, i'm a bit of a lone wolf, i can't be tied down to a life of family right now. I like to get around if you know what i mean ;)

Yeah, i know. But don't think i paid google to have my link there. it's just how the those links work is that if enough people to type in "Oscar and Coolest guy in the world" anywhere in the internet, eventually it becomes the number 1 link when searched.

I'm american, and americans love their white socks.
It represents freedom or something. And i know you love red because you love communism. I still think it's kinda weird that you have a mini shrine for joseph stalin in your room, but hey, it's your choice.

The only reason my wall is empty is because every new comment on my wall get's filtered through my assistant. She only allows comments she finds to be of top quality to stay. She's also very fast to delete. Consider yourself lucky, you're on here.
inactive user
Nice to meet you Anya
i'm doing pretty well, i can't really complain
at the moment i don't really have any hobbies, though occasionally i like to write. Most recently i wrote a fictional funeral speech, it's got some charm to it.
Another hobby is making new friends, and chatting with old ones.
the name of my cat is named Catherine, get it CATherine. Yes it's not as clever as i think :P
My usual sock game is white socks, i need to get a little more adventurous and use different crazy colors.
I'd say my favorite movie has to be Wall-E, because i can relate to heartless robot who falls in love with another heartless robot, also my best friend is Roach and i love to pick up garbage. I pick myself out of bed everyday :)
Other questions people usually ask me:
Why are you so cool?
Will you marry me?
What's up with gremlins?

And come on please refrain from using dirty words.
and you have to check out Joe Cockers' cover of With a little from my friends.

so what are your hobbies, music taste,cat's name, favorite movie, sock color, and usual **** people ask you.

also if people read this on your wall would the know you were the one asking me questions and not just some weirdo telling you things about himself that you don't care about. who knows :)
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