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Bartek, 36 y.o.
Łódź, Poland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 215.
inactive user
Ohhh, how sweet!! :)
well, there is a lot of pretty hungarian girl here, so I am glad that you decided to text me.. :p :D
Oh, and I know one sentence in polish :D Wanna see it or can you guess? ;)
inactive user
Heeey, Brother from Poland :D
Nice to meet you! :)
well, I am doing fine thank you, what about you? :)
inactive user
yeah well we need to chat there, when will you be free? I can not leave you offline messages :( I received something from your and we need to talk about it barti.
inactive user
we need to talk. Not in fb, open your msn. Tell me when you are free and we really need to talk
inactive user
inactive user
hey I wonder if you still remember me
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
thanks ;)
inactive user
Oh, outside of InterPals. Yesss ;) I'm sure we would have lots of fun. Haha. I'm not flirting! What makes you think that!?
inactive user
What do you mean it would be nice to meet me? :P
Hahaha no, I'm not flirting! ;) I promise I'm not!
inactive user
Hahaha you're not ugly :) Believe me!
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