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Ayu Putri, 28 y.o.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia [Current City]
Surabaya, Indonesia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 252.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2014
Belated Happy Birthday ayu!! :-D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2013
Happy Birthday Ayu..! :-)
inactive user
Thank you :D
inactive user
haha yeah that's also a good plan :))
inactive user
Oh My God !!!!!!!!!!!! *-*
that's soo cool !!
aah if any kpop idols come to Germany , they always go to Berlin , Köln or Düsseldorf , that's all too far away , so I can't go to any concerts -.-
inactive user
no I'm not on holiday , 5 and half weeks are left , then my summer break will start :3
I'm always so tired in school TT.TT

ooh that's cool hehehe :))
inactive user
haha yeah it would be kind of weird xD

hmm my day was nice was a bit too hot hmm , I met my best freind and we went shopping ^^
what about you?~
inactive user
hahaha then I would be very handsome (I would hug myself the whole day XDD) ..actually that's why I'll contune to be blond and won't dye it back to blue ^^"
inactive user
yes I've already dyed it brown, red , green , blue, pink and purple :DD
it's okay , I look forward to your reply ^^
inactive user
ooh thank you so much ^^
thes edays the colour is almost washed out and I contune to be blond ^^
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