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Ariel, 31 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 223.
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hi,ariel :)
how are you?
so, you also interesting in japanese, right? :D
nice to meet you
inactive user
inactive user
Konichiwa !!
inactive user
Hi Ariel Nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2014
おはようございます^ ^コメントありがとうございます^ ^日本語話せますか
inactive user
Hello there, thanks for the message.

We could be language partners and friends, i guess, so message or call me anytime that you like, and we could talk a lot.
inactive user
Hey! The Fault in Our Stars is for good one of my favorite book, it made me cry so bad ahah, sadly the movie is not already out on movie theater but I can't wait to see it!
Biology is a vast domain, what do you prefer in it?
I would be glad to help you to learn French! :)
inactive user
I don't mind at all if someone is from the same country as me, as long as they're interesting, which you def. are! Also, you're a Canon photographer, always a bonus in my book, whenever I see another person out and about with one I kinda mentally *high five* them. Not that I have anything against Nikon or even Leica, i've just devoted myself (and my funds) to Canon so it's always cool to see others that went there too :)

Do you have a specific kind of photography that you're interested in, or do you just enjoy taking photographs of whatever inspires you in the moment?

Pixar and Disney are awesome! I have a deep love for Studio Ghibli and Dreamworks as well though, I just recently rewatched How to Train Your Dragon and was once again blown away by the excellent animation :D Can I ask, it's probably an uber hard question, but what is your favorite animated movie?

And I would totally be interested in penpalling by snailmail! Have you been a snailmailer for a bit or are just recently getting interested in it? I actually have a letter I need to finish up right now, so i'm gonna stop here and say nice to meet you Ariel and hope to hear from you again ^_^
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