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Amanda , 30 y.o.


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 258.
inactive user
como vai?
inactive user
hi :)
nothing , ya ?
inactive user
Long time no talk Amanda~lol Eu estou na escola agora. Tudo bem?
Eu tenho MSN agora. E tu? Na proxima semana, eu vou jogar basquetebol com os meus amigos...poor portuguese. It is a match between our class and another.
inactive user
Hi ^^
inactive user
Eu estoy muito bem. Obrigado!
Eu estou falando con meus amigos, e voce?
inactive user
im okai... it took a long time until you replied to me ;) yo seem to be very busy huh? :p
inactive user
Hey~I really go to the army tomorrow....
Nice to talk to you.....TT
Hasta Luego!!!!!
I always wish you have a brilliant future....
inactive user
Oi, como vai vc?
inactive user
you like disco? wow that is cool :D
i'm alright, getting ready for school as i'm on here.
how have you been?
inactive user
Hey there :D i already did :)
so how are you?
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