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Alynka, 36 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2009
a little bit later, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY sis!:):):)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2009
You've never had sushi omg!! Steal a goldfish add some rice and eat, you've got yourself some pretty horrible sushi.
inactive user
What other countries have you visit? Which can u recommend? Are you travelling at your own or with family or friends?
inactive user
Yes, I was in Hungary few years ago for holiday. I was there only 5 days, but the thing I most remember about it is people. They were very friendly. However, our communication was quite funny, because they didn't know english or polish and I do not know hungarian;) Unfortunately the weather was terrible, but all in all it was nice trip.
inactive user
Nice;) It's my hobby, I love taking photos, but recently I'm quite busy so now I'm doing it not so often.
By the way.. Have you ever been in Poland?
inactive user
Bonjour ! Tu parles français ??
Bon, je m'appelle Camilo, je suis franco-espag​nol, et en lisant ton profil tu m'as l'air très sympathique.​ De plus tu viens de Hongrie, un pays que je ne connais pas encore (oui j'adore voyager ! :D). Alors si ça te dit, tu peux me répondre ! À bientôt ;-)
inactive user
hi alinka
yeah, everything is alright here!
sure! we can write emails one each other!!

i hope hear from you soon!
take care! =]
inactive user
hey up!
how are you? i hope everything is doing great!
thanks for visit me!!

have a nice day
take care!
Luciano =]
inactive user
No - it's not a corny pick-up line - but cool photo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some great shots there!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2009
Thanx , it is from Algerian desert , do you like sahara (desert ) ?
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