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Ali, 48 y.o.
Baghdad, Iraq [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice


Bachelor's degree
Baghdad University chemical engineering


internet provider

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Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 208.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
Ridiculous and abnormal humour. Life will teach lesson. World is the best teacher. Agreed?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2010
inactive user
you consider a BAsque as a latin?...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2009
and hello from Russia:-))) liked your humour especially about poor Hanna:-))) what about making friends???
inactive user
رمضان كريم!! كل سنة وأنت طيب
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2008
rough humor, not bad ;) hi from Germany
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2008
It means: how much have you learned?
inactive user
haha ****, i think youre good. I mean course one can hear, youre still learning, but thinking about how dificult it is, this is good. :D Just make me talking iraqish, i would give up at once! :b
Just for the record, "dig" is like pronounced "di", like "hej" is pronounced almost "hi". Actually you pronounce "det" like you should pronounce "dig". :D
inactive user
ye i think the asian and arabian languages must be the most difficult to learn, cause they use other letters or signs or whatever. Tho there are languages such as dutch, and russian and ye finnish wich i would never be able to speak, to pronounce the sounds, they call words. :b
cool, what is the name of the video, id like to watch it. :D
inactive user
ok cool. haha, im not sure its true. :D i never heard that about danish, though my mom sometimes says put a potato in your mouth then youll be able to talk like an american. And i heard some people say danish is some sort of a disease. xD
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