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Zahra, 30 y.o.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia [Current City & Hometown]

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Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 78.
Reply - Conversation - 4 hours ago
*When life feels hard and the road ahead seems dark, remember that Allah never leaves you. Maybe this is His way of teaching patience, maybe this is a form of His affection so that your heart is closer to Him. Don't let anxiety control your heart, don't let fear stop your steps. Because, Allah will not test someone beyond their limits. Believe me, every tear that falls, every prayer that is said, all are heard and will be replaced with something much better. Be patient, endure, because after hardship there must be ease."*
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10
*قرأت مقولة عظيمة وهي "كل كسر ألجأك إلى الله، هو جبر وإن أوجعك، وكل نعمة لا تقربك إلى الله فهي نقمة" والرجوع إلى الله هو الهدف....*

*—"Every wound that brings you closer to Allah is true is a gift even though it hurts. And every pleasure that actually distances you from Allah, in fact it is a punishment." The main goal of life is to get closer to Him and gain Allah's pleasure*
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9
I see love as a relationship so deep that two people no longer feel as separate individuals, but as one soul. Love here is not just about physical attraction or momentary emotions, but about the harmony of hearts and minds that is so close, as if their souls have become one.

The love I mean is love that brings meaning to life. When two people love each other sincerely, they not only share happiness, but also pain, challenges, and life goals. This love involves a sense of understanding so deep that both complement each other in all aspects—both physically, mentally, and emotionally. They may have different views, but love makes them understand, accept, and grow together.

Like two trees growing side by side. Their roots are intertwined underground, strengthening each other when the storm comes. Although they look like two separate trees, their roots share nutrients and strength. If one of them falls, the other will also be disturbed, because they are so deeply intertwined. That is true love—two people who live separately, but they have the same roots of life, supporting and strengthening each other.

True love is not about finding perfection in another person, but about how two individuals learn to complement each other, grow, and navigate life together. In true love, differences are not obstacles, but strengths. And when two souls come together in love, they create happiness greater than themselves.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8
.Give your heart to Allah, and Allah will give it to someone who truly deserves it.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8
I still remember your advice, I always remember your kind words, I still obey your prohibitions, even though in the end we are strangers again.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8
*قرأت مقولة عظيمة وهي "كل كسر ألجأك إلى الله، هو جبر وإن أوجعك، وكل نعمة لا تقربك إلى الله فهي نقمة" والرجوع إلى الله هو الهدف....*

*— "Every wound that brings you closer to Allah is true is a gift even though it hurts. And every pleasure that actually distances you from Allah, in fact, it is a punishment." The main goal of life is to return closer to Him.*
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27
*الضجيج الذي في رأسك قد لا يفهمه البشر دائمام لكن دموعك أمام الله يمكن دائما أن تطغى على كل شيء.*

*— The noise in your head may not always be understood by humans, but your tears before God can always drown everything out.*
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25
A woman becomes a reflection of how you treat her. If you don't like how she's acting, look at how you are treating her!

This profound truth resonates deeply, reminding us that relationships are a mirror of our actions. The way we treat others shapes their reality, influencing their emotions, behavior, and self-perception.

When you uplift and support her, she blossoms into her best self – confident, radiant, and full of life. Her smile brightens the room, and her laughter infects everyone around her. Her heart beats with purpose, and her soul shines with vibrancy.

But when you diminish and disrespect her, she withers away – her spark extinguished, her soul crushed. Her eyes lose their luster, and her voice becomes a whisper. Her spirit breaks, and her dreams fade.

The power lies in your hands. Your words, actions, and intentions create the environment she grows in. Nurture her with respect, empathy, kindness, and understanding. Be her rock, her safe haven, and her partner in every sense.

A woman's strength is forged in the fire of your love and support. Her resilience is tested by your consistency and care. Her heart beats for you, but your treatment determines its rhythm.

Treat her with love, respect, and kindness, and watch her thrive. Treat her with neglect, disrespect, or indifference, and watch her fade. The choice is yours.

Embracing this truth liberates both of you, fostering a relationship built on mutual respect, trust, and growth. Remember, a woman becomes a reflection of how you treat her. Treat her like the queen she is.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23
*أطول رحلة في الحياة هي أن تصبحأصدق إنسان في قبول القدر*

*— The longest journey in life is to become the most sincere human being in accepting destiny.*
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18
"The man whom you think foolish and unimportant is a man who comes from God, who may learn happiness from sorrow and knowledge from darkness."

Khalil Gibran -
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