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Alexis, 31 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 163.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2008
heyyyyy. sorry for my late replay - school- it takes too much my free time :D
but i am great ! and how are you ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2008
Hey Alex !
How are you ? =)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2008
I know
We haven't spoken in a long time
I need to upload new pictures
inactive user
Hey! =D
Nice to meet you
How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2008
Good, how're you? :]
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2008
hey! check out my stuffed bunnys webbie and leave a comment in the blog! tell ur friends, cuz i need opinions! k?
inactive user
sorry for too late reply X((
how are you?
inactive user
Srry for late reply ^^;; I'm fine, came back at summer cottage today and went to eat restaurant :) I should read a book for tomorrow but I'm too lazy to even start it XD and I haven't done my homework neither ;) how is your day?
inactive user
I'm good how are you?
inactive user
Lol XD allright! I love to meet new people ^^ how was your day? :)
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