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Aikol Koikelov, 30 y.o.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice


Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 172.
inactive user
inactive user
Spanish is the most spoken language in South America,in Central America;It is the first language in Cuba,Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic in Caribbean;It is the first language most spoken in Spain(Official),in Andorra(very important,but it is not official)in Europe;It is the second language in Brazil,in the United States as well! It is the first language in Equatorial Guinea in Africa.
inactive user
French is second most spoken language in Africa and it is the first language in France,Belgium,Luxembourg,Monaco and it is the second most spoken language in Switzerland.
inactive user
You should try to learn French(It is an official language in 30 countries!!!) and Spanish(It is an official language in 20 countries!!!);French is spoken by 274 million people in the world and Spanish is spoken by 570 million people in the world.
inactive user
I read 0.5% can speak English in your country;In Brazil 5% can speak English!!!
inactive user
Dear Aykol, How are you? Nice to meet you! I would love to be your penfriend here,so please write to me now and I shall get very happy.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2016
thanks !
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2015
Thank you very much ^-^
inactive user
Hi. You look like a korean idol named GOT7 's Jr ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2015
Thanks for the visit :D
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