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Zepiros, 39 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2011
It's weird o_o
Maybe if i add u in my friend list ? XD
Let's try and see haha
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2011
Why u can't ? XD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2011
Thanks ! Yes of course ! :)
inactive user
^^, thanks! :))
inactive user
I think I just ate a dinorsaur....@_@ so much meat! I just ate at a Brazilian restaurant, and I don't think I've ever been given so much meat in my LIFE! 공룡고기를....dinosaur meat? hmmm...i will add that to my vocabulary. I think it's very important....
I just added you on Skype. ^^ And I swear, the baby is NOT mine! Temples are VEEEEEEERY important in my religion. But I haven't gone in a really long time, so I'm trying to make a habit of going every week. I can do it! Even if it DOES mean I have to wear high heels to school once a week.....>.<
how was the BBQ?
inactive user
oh.. I see :)) well... yea~ it makes sense.. and sounds funny. lol

what am I gonna do today? T.T I will go to sleep! i just finished eating midnight snack! XD lol.

let's talk some other time! bye~~see ya! ^__^
inactive user
hahaha~~~ what a nice line XD
"social flower that I could be happy when we talk" where did you get this sentence huh? lol. XD

well.. thanks... It's my pleasure to be one of your friends ^^
inactive user
Han River Cafe....sounds so nice! :O
Haha! you're funny, too! it's one of the reasons I talked to you in the first place, cuz you seem so fun. ^^ very outgoing! oh oh oh! do you have Skype? or MSN?
Dinosaur BBQ? O___O do they eat dinosaurs? Sounds delicious.
Today...I have class til 2. After that, I'm studying with my friend. Then I'm going to the Temple, because I'm trying to go every week now. And then I'm taking the bus to Salt Lake to stay at my friend's house for the weekend. haha! busy!
inactive user
hmmmm....stressing words is good, though. ;) it's GOOD. And I can't wait to find out what this favorite place is! sounds really fun! :O
I've been trying to sleep earlier since I'm in school again, but...last night....I just wasn't tired! hahaha! normally i go to bed between 9:30 and 11. xD yesterday was definitely bad for my health, I agree. ㅋㅋㅋ OOPS!
inactive user
하하하~~ there's always "who's viewed my profile" in 'my home' so I can see people who viewed my profile.!

lol. no problem... thanks for leaving message on my wall too! hahaha! XD
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