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Ewa, 31 y.o.
Wrocław, Poland [Current City]

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Language practice
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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2017
hey! nice! I like strawberry shakes the best! and yeah, it's expensive here, but everything is compared to Poland :/
inactive user
Been to Both already 😉 I Will next year Maybe also so :)
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2017
Quite a few :)
Gotta do it in steps, y'know. But other than those... I wouldn't mind another Slavic language or two. And something from Asia, probably Japanese and/or Mandarin :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2016
We did actually take in a stray to be his Luigi but they didn't get along so we had to find the new cat a different home :(
inactive user
You can't go wrong with Gyllenhaal :) I thought they gave the movie away in the trailer too so I didn't have high expectations for the movie. I also would have wanted to see more from McAdams too.
I'd still say we had a better year in 2015, even though 2014 was a lot of fun. I absolutely LOVED Whiplashm The Imitation Games, Birdman, and the Lego Movie. I think I actually ended up watching American Sniper like three times in cinema. I thought 2015 just has a better overall mix of movies
inactive user
Yea now that you bring it up, it is incredibly hard to pick a favorite from last year. Southpaw definitely was a bit of a surprise, I never actually got around to see the Big Short though. Bradley Cooper is my favorite actor, but I thought Burnt was only so-and-so. The food looked absolutely delicious, but there really wasn't much storytelling to the movie. You're right, it's way too hard to pick a favorite - I'm just going to go ahead and say Star Wars :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2016
Haha I named him after the video game :D I know right? He is really small for his age! Oh yes, we're always rocking out together xD
inactive user
I'm not sure, it just seems like Tarentino keeps wanting to recapture the Pulp Fiction magic and it's just not working (minus Inglorious Bastards that is). I'm not even going to answer what my favorite movie is, I can never make up my mind. How about I ask you which was your favorite movie in 2015 instead? Mine was The Martian.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2016
He's called Mario :D He's almost 12 years old!
inactive user
Interesting.... I absolutely enjoyed Inglorious Bastards. To be honest though, I'm not the biggest fan of Tarantino's work. I mean like I get why everybody loves Pulp Fiction and to a certain extent Kill Bill, but I haven't really been able to wrap my head around his latest work, especially the Hateful Eight and Django Unchained.
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