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Niina, 32 y.o.
Lappeenranta, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 96.
inactive user
Sorry for replying so late.
Had my exams and now they're over!

So, what have you been up to?
I see that you like to draw. Draw what? Sketches or something?
inactive user
Hei mitäs pelejä sinulla on GameCubelle?

Pekka ”UncleSamPatriot” Luodeslampi
Paras ja Internetin tärkein testi:
Also in English:
”Hebrews 9:27 Ja niinkuin kaikkein ihmisten pitää kerran kuoleman, mutta senjälkeen tuomio,”
”James 4:14 Jotka ette tiedä, mitä huomenna tapahtuu. Sillä mikä on teidän elämänne? Se on löyhkä, joka vähäksi (hetkeksi) näkyy, mutta sitte katoo.”
inactive user
inactive user
I'm doing just good!
How about you?
inactive user
yeah... i think so....T_T

aw! it's was sad :( my grandmother was sick so she wnet into hospital....T_T

what about you?
inactive user
good to hearthat !!!

kiitossss <3 haha! i wanna learn suomi ~~
inactive user
*O* of course hyvää hyvää♪

sinulle niina? :D
inactive user
MOI Niina!!*o*
inactive user
How are you doing?!
Hope everything is good!
inactive user
Hey :) I love your hair. Wat's up?
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