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Yulisa , 30 y.o.
Canton, United States [Current City]


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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
inactive user
inactive user
Thank you really much!
You souls really Play persona!
inactive user
I have line. Even line play
inactive user
Same here!
inactive user
I know! I went to look at yours and finally! someone with a whole more similar interests! Must say your music taste is also very nice~!
inactive user
hello yulisa! i like in flames, pantera, dimmu borgir, tool and some "dadrock" hahaha. also, electronic music :)
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2014
Well, thank you ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2014
Nice to meet you too. :)
inactive user
We just need to give them time. Fans are super impatient when it comes news like that I can understand I want to know too. But theyr need to have good talk between them and they need time to gets their things in order. I know that they will speak out one day. They have to. And SM will force them to say something. Or they will speak for them.. Like for Hangeng and Super Junior. It tooks super long before the members came to talk about the situation. And in the end we did not learned a lot. This is their stuff and their life. They have the right to keep things out of fans. Their private life is important too!!
inactive user
But.. what would you do if it was you at his place. And we don't know all the story still. We only know what SM and Kris want us to know. We didn't even had a proper talk from the EXO's members. So we can't judge them only byt the news. And SM already lost 4 of theirs artists for the same reasons so I don't really think that loosing an other one wil effect them. And they already have the rookies and the other groups making a lot of money. And they know that even if Kris goes EXO fans will still want more of EXO in the future. It's only for the best for him if he quits. It would be good too if he stays but why staying if people treat you like sh*t?
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