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Karolina, 31 y.o.
Siedlce, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 126.
inactive user
yeah man i am uni student . i am studying computer software enginreeing :P .really sounds like very nice place you got out there . i wish my village is like that .
so what are you doing these days ?
Gidi isn't a very common name . really weird well how have you been ?
inactive user
well these days i am kind a busy you know uni stuff so really really hard to manage my work as well .
unfortunately we don't have summer vacation as you guys enjoying . so how's the summer thing going on ? hope you are enjoying and living happy .
so what are doing these days anyway ?
see youl later
do you have a nicke name ?
people call me Lassy or LC . :))
inactive user
hey . well i am doing quite fine today .
so how about your self ?
nice to meet you anyway :P
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2010
Hey how are you?
How is it going with your dance? ;)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2009

Pochodzę z South Korea.

Bardzo mi miło.

Miłego dnia~!
inactive user
hi nice to meet you!
inactive user
Uciekłem nawet bardzo daleko. Dalej niż za kanion. I powiem że lody w Sokołowie są dobre. I że możesz żałować że nie jeździsz na rowerze :P

Oh, jestem cudowny.
inactive user
heh, fajnie by tak było co?? xD Jak narazie to ty mi kasę wisisz więc nie ma mowy :PP

Kurde. Nudna i lipa do okoła. Ja chce uciec z tąd.
inactive user
Zależy za co...:P Oh. Nikt się nie pogniewał za tą pożyczkę nieoprocentowaną.

Informatyka?? Bou ha ha ha xD I co w przyszłości będziesz robić?? Komputery skręcać??
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