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Asya, 24 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2016
Hello Asya. Thanks for visiting
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2016
Whaalee hi I want practice my English too and I want to learn Russian maybe we can be friends.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2016
Abhishek, Thank you soooooo much!!!!!^_^
inactive user
Guys... Whosoever visits this profile, You should thank god for getting you here.

If you wanna know the real meaning of friendship, the real meaning of the word "HUMAN" then just talk to her.
I bet you, RESULT= better than the meanings given in Oxford dictionary.

She is replica of an angel, messenger of god, blessing of true love and the person who can show you what life is.
The way she'll talk will mesmerize you, the way she'll ask will spellbound you.
Take care of her, don't tryanna harm her. Respect her feelings, her thoughts, her ambitions...!!!

At last WHO AM I saying all that.

-I am the most happy person blessed with a friend like her ^_^

{ "I won’t promise to be your BFF ,
though I can do anything for you but not stand against the phenomena of death.

But let me be your friend- as long as I live,
Trust me Asya, I will give you everything that I can give.

Look at me, keep smiling and stay fine,
Remember- you are the only best friend of mine."
inactive user
Hi there ABHISHEK here, text me if you wanna that we can be friends later , but its upto you.

If u don't wanna chat... FINE, but still u can approach me for whenever u need any kinda help ^_^
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