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Kevin, 28 y.o.
Cancale, France [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 27.
inactive user
Yeah haha...
I love Marshall the most though! :P
inactive user
Naha not only, I know a few more words in French hahha. :p
Do you mean what kind of music do I usually play?
Don't worry, I almost understand you hahha :D
Cool! How long have you been playing it?
inactive user
Bonjour :'D You're welcome and thanks haha.
I've been playing for 5-6 years :o I'm not sure. Do you play any instruments?
inactive user
Ahah, at least you can say what`s your favourite band)
inactive user
Yeah :D
inactive user
Ahah, yeah, I understand, but the most difficut question is 'what`s your favourite band?" !
inactive user
O_O Daryl isn't in the comics???????? WHAATTTT???? But he's one of the most awesome characters in the show!!!!! :O
I'm curious how the storyline will differ in the comics! :)
inactive user
Retournes-y l'hiver du coup mdr
inactive user
Are you a real life Barney? Haha! :D
inactive user
Brraaaaaaa biatch! Gogo TWD!
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