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VoDkaReb, 37 y.o.
Turin, Italy [Current City]


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Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
inactive user
Hi. Hope you're well. Do you have a favourite Poe story/poem?
inactive user
Do you know Pipes and Pints?It's music band from czech republic with american singer...I think you can try them :))) I must write you:look like beatiful :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
ciao grazie per l'acecttare
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
So have you ever tried to dabble in the occult and try out magic and stuff like that?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
haha it's okay. Yeah I believe in them. Never seen any though. But I just find it hard to believe that we are the only intelligent life form on the planet. Maybe they are the typical grey ones with big eyes. Or maybe there are different species of aliens, who knows? haha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
When I saw it I was with my brother and sister and my friend and we were at the beach. And it was just floating around and I threw a rock at it and it chased us. Do you believe in aliens?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
Wow creepy. It is so strange you mention the shadow people. I used to see them a lot. But I haven't in over a year, I don't really care if I see them again to be honest, they're creepy!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
Yeah I believe it, I was lucky enough to have had supernatural experiences more than once. So thats what got me fascinated in it in the first place. I remember being 4 or 5 and the doors and windows slamming shut all by itself and locking me and my brother in the house while my mum and her friend sat a distance away from the house. And there loud evil laughing and my brother put on the music from the radio and turned it up as loud as he could so we didnt have to hear the laughing. And then all of a sudden the doors and windows all slammed open at the same time.

That was my first paranormal experience :P
Have you had any experiences?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
Wow, I never heard of that before I just read it though, it is freaky haha.

Are you a believer in supernatural things?
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