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Helder, 38 y.o.
Bogotá, Colombia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
hey! everything's great here! :D as usual! ^^
what about you?! :D
and there it's almost common... not so rampant! :3
and.. yaa thrash is nic.. don't know about viking! :3
and Scandinavian huh?! :D herd a lot about it! :D quite fascinating it is too!! :D
cya! :)
inactive user
heya! :D
everything's good! how's it with you?! :)
yaa i like metal.. mostly old school metal! :)
specially iron maiden what about you?!
inactive user
most of them don't! :)
in Hinduism cows are considered holy! :)
they are usually mentioned in relation to shiva (he's one of the many gods)
inactive user
hey :D and sure!! i'd love learning Spanish!! :D
and b\about my culture.. well.. it's got lots of festivals colours rituals and what not all!! :D it's vast!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2012
Another local DJ
Start listening at 17:00 minutes in so you hear the Birdman/Lil Wayne part. This is how we do it in the USA baby! Enjoy!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2012
I'm listening to this local Seattle (Washington, USA) DJ. Check out the mix titled MNML MX...
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