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Maisie, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2011
hi there. i love rock music too :) Blink and LTJ are great live bands.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2009
inactive user
its a fanfic...:), and thanx for forgiving me!!! :)
inactive user
omg! im so soooorrry!!! im so sooorry i didnt answer your last wall comment, i've been reelly busy writing TWO stories, but anyways i'm good and how bout you?
inactive user
He was fine, now I've an Ipod touch =D héhé.
And yours?
inactive user
ahhhh sorry for late reply
i have been overly busy with the holidays and such @.@

speaking of which... how was yours?

that is to bad that others feel that way about your writings, but i can relate to how you feel though. poetry and stories are taken in vain by others, it should be appreciated more because i believe that those kinds of works are art...

that is cool that you used to play guitar and that you play bass, i have been laying off of the playing because of school and such... i hope that i will never part from it no matter what though D':

i was self taught :p
at least you had someone in the family who played as well...
i was a loner ;o;

well ttyl,

~ Risu
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2009
It was okay i think^^ what about yours?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2008
yes it does!
unless it sucks.
then it seperates people.
happy almost new year!
inactive user
I know Gir En Grey and BMTH but others no ^^'
inactive user
Yeah very good concerts ^^
I've been to see eths and mypollux, french bands, it was super. ^^ In January i'll go to see LM.C (I hope), a japan band.

I like much different music, I can listen to classical music like metal =). But I prefer to listen to Asian music.

I'm sorry for the late reply =S
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