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Tughan, 33 y.o.
Istanbul, Turkey [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3150.
inactive user
Hello ^_^
inactive user
and oh, happy birthday in late!! :)
inactive user
glad to hear :) you've liked it in there?
i'm doing pretty good! spring's on it's way, only few weeks of school left before six week's internship and then it's summer!
inactive user
Hey hey heyyy!
Waht's up, my currently Italian Adam Sandler! ;) xxxx
inactive user
Thank youuuuu!!! :) xxx Will start writing you a mail now!
inactive user
Aghhh I feel so bad I haven't been much on here and haven't had time to write you a PROPER reply yet ;( Cause well, I don't wanna write those crappy two scentence kind of posts.. My friend is coming over for the weekend, so I will work on the reply at next week!


and sorry :/

Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2012
If you need any help with italian, you can ask me :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2012
Hi there. I'm Alexandra.
Do you study italian?
inactive user
Okay so something about me. Well the past few weeks have been quite hectic. See our school has now ended for this spring (at last week actually) and we had all the exams and essays etc still going on. And then I got also ill, had a flu and fever too. That’s gone now thankfully. But yes. Although the actual lessons were done at last week, I still had to do bunch of school stuff today and then I have few of them for tomorrow aswell. Plus I have an English exam on Wednesday because I didn’t make it to the real exam day on last week due my fever. But then it’s pretty much all done! Cannot believe I’ve now been living on my own in a new city for a year! Time’s gone soooo quickly! Feels like I just moved in here :D Crazy.
So school’s over but we have an internship coming up. So that’ll start on the 2nd of May and it lasts the whole month. I don’t get money for it, which is a bummer cause I was so late with searching a summer job that I sort of didn’t get one D: I asked the lady from the internship place (it’s a shop) if I’d be able to continue there as in a summer job after my internship, but she couldn’t promise anything yet. Guess she wants to seat first that how I’m doing. But I’m a bit worried cause she also said that there are coming two other people to work for the summer, and that they have been there before aswell, so ofc she must hire them at first. So I’m a bit nervous whether I do get a summer job there or not.. :s If not, then I guess I need to come up with something –I just don’t know what…. GAH. Stupid me for being so late! -.-
Anyways, hope you’re doing good :) Laters! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
inactive user
I'll be working on my reply now, sooo will send it still today or at night! xxxxx
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