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Arturo, 33 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 71.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2015
As if you're stikk active on here, I'm so useless I can't believe how long I've not entered this Interpals realm 0_o

Won't kill you, or curse you, nOt yet anyway, gotta tey and convince you to talk to me again first!! (':

Hope you've had a spectacular year!! Do share any adventures and turmoils you may have undergone with me, would be cool to hear ^.^

For now, ma Pikachu loving self is in morocco! Dun dun dunnnn
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2014
koala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hum hum....
inactive user
Yaaaaaaaaa.... No te desconectes
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2013
Oi! xD
inactive user
Sorry for the very, very late reply, I'm pretty good at being a slowpoke on ip & forgetting to check it huh huh.
Yeaaaah, you should get some inspiraton back soon, but there's nothing to with it when it's getting busy. :O

I'm fine too, thanks :D
Felling lazy and sleepy (I sound like a cat o__O)~
inactive user
Happy Birthdayyyy:)) Wish you all the best!!
inactive user
happy happy birthday,
inactive user
Haha your drawings are awesome! Lol, I told who the friend was in my last post, maybe you should recheck it? I use to like to draw myself before, but I kinda grew from it haha. How are you btw? It's best to ask some casual questions at first right? Hahaha
inactive user
Hello, I was checking my friend's pictures here on ip, "ChereCally" (it's 1:41am here, having problems sleeping because it's too hot -> looking around on ip -> me have no life, huh huh xD) & I noticed some drawings she got from you, which made me think: hey, they look awesome, need to check who's drawing them...

Aaaaand here I am, sending you a kinda long greeting...maybe I should stop typing now o__O.

The point is: your drawings are awesome & thumbs up about you being interested in manga/anime, have a nice day b(=v=)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2013
Ahhh Arty Arty Arty!! The worlds best brother ;D it's alright!! I believe nippy reply is MUCH more late in comparison to yours, I'm such a terrible person :'/
Your no asshole!! If you were, omg, what would I be D':
Sister be doing great today!! The question is how have you been?!?
Moi ? No spine wants me... I completely understand though, I'm such a hoe :0
You have me!! I'm your friend, whether you like it or not!! Mwahah :3
Hope it's still okay to talk to you and your still waiting..,its my turn now!! Hope all is well and life is treating you with the best (:
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