Tiara Nurul Rahman, 28 y.o.
Looking for
Language practice
Flirting and romance
11 years ago,
profile updated
3 years ago.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=598316536954592&set=vb.539837912802455&type=2&theater hi guys! please like this video and also the fanpage. Thank you soooo much!
No I haven't visited Bali yet ,but I'll get their one day
Have you any thing planned for the weekend?
Have you any thing planned for the weekend?
Yes it's fun working in the travel agent
Thousands of Aussies go to Bali every year
Thousands of Aussies go to Bali every year
Taeyeons my bias too ><
Yes, i absolutely do, who's your favourite member?
Thanks for visiting! =)

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