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Teresa, 30 y.o.
Colchester, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 29.
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kosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumakkosssssssssssss oumak
inactive user
Hello ! How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2015
Lawl, just a small detail from a random person :D. Good luck in S.A
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2015
Greetings, thanks for passing by.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STRANGER :D I hope you are well!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2013
Greetings from South Korea!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2013
Poa sana!
Wow! It's great that you loved the country and it's citizens :D
Diani Beach! Awesome! I've been to the resort once and one thing I'll never forget about them is their cocktails! Best I've evef tasted
But if you went to any of the Tsavos then it's the same as going to Masai Mara. Next time you visit I hope you come in a period where you'll be lucky to see the famous Wildbeast migration
When will you be finishing school?
BTW it sucks that you know so much about Kenya, but know almost nothing about Czech Republic...Ooh and I know 2 things - The beer Pilsner originated from Czech and that Czech people are the world's
heaviest consumers of beer :P Kinda makes me wonder how they beat Kenyans to the top position :P
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2013
Hey! Just seen on your status that you were on tour in Kenya, our small country :P I hope that you had fun while back here and that you'll be visiting the country again soon in future :D
Which places did you particularly find interesting in Kenya? Please tell me you didn't miss a jungle drive to Maasai Mara!! :P
inactive user
Thank you for such a nice message on my wall. Well, I think ding-a-ling is just like when you do silly things or being a total goof. I'm sure many people and probably you have that kind of moment as well. Have never been to your country but I do hope that someday I will get a chance to do so. Take care!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2012
Because i don't want anyone see me :B
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