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Tarecka, 32 y.o.
Raleigh, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 325.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2013
Hi Tarecka! Nice to meet you :)
inactive user
Thanks alot for the lovely visit Tarecka~ Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day~ Much love to you ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2013
hi, thanks for visiting, have a nice day! ^^
inactive user
hey nice to meet you Tarecka my name is Ahmed
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2013
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2013
Ladies and gents the sweetest most amazing woman on the planet my good friend Tareka
inactive user
Not so much. But if I have time and money enough, I want to go abroad very much, especially in Europe^^
inactive user
Hello, Tarecka^^Nice to meet you.
inactive user
Not at the moment, but showreel will be online to view soon, as will the features I am making this year :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2012
Don't worry :D I haven't been on much myself for the past week or so. I just haven't been feeling my normal self just lately, so haven't had the motivation to do anything.

Well anything to be honest. I am trying to just raise enough money so I can go and get my teaching qualification in Finland, so I can finally teach English abroad. I know I can teach it other places with the qualifications I have, but I just love Finland, so I would really like to go there.

How have you been?
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