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Suzanna, 31 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 45.
inactive user
I shaved off all my hair!
Jokes! :P Haha, but i never did get a haircut, i really need to though! It's getting too much!
Awesome, sounds good! Dancing?
Working! Which sucks!
Nope no holiday, i have to work during Christmas!! :(
inactive user
Good good, what did you do during it? I slept in late today, as it was my day off! But was really nice to do so! I have tomorrow off as well, probably going to end up relaxing and doing things around the flat. And maybe get a haircut! OO!! Lucky you! What's the first thing you're going to do once on holidays? :P
inactive user
hey! :)
I'm good thanks, about to go to bed. Been busy with work lately, i'll try and get on more to message. Am looking forward to my 2 days off which are on wednesday and thursday! How was your weekend? x
inactive user
Hey, nice page pretty lady!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2009
not bad but not good...and what about you??
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2009
Hii...can we be friends?? =)
inactive user
You'r really not lucky in Netherland xD
Here, we have good temperatures during day as 22°C :D That's a very good weather for this season.. Héhé ^^ You like summer ? Me too :) In which countries did you go in your life ?*
Je peux t'aider, aucun problème ;-) Si tu veux, je peux même t'écrire en français.

A bientôt.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2009
ah okay' !
Yes I understant a little bit it's confuse lol ^^
Here, it's the same. Halloween is dead =( but I love :p
This week end, saturday go out with my friends but sunday is bad ! Computer again & again -_-
I live in a small city next Le mans who is a " big " city. But I don't have a car so it's silly for go out arf :(
And you this week end ?

Je t'aime aussi lol ^^'
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2009
Lol ^^'
Your teacher is not French ?
Help you ... Hmm on what have you problems ?
You play soccer ? ooh lol It's for man :p
My day, hmm super :p ( good ), I have seen my friend in the city ( Le Mans ) We are in the bar & walked :)
It's halloween tonight so it's funny to go out ! lol

Je t'embrasse ! <3 Bonne soirée ( good night )
inactive user
of course !
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