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SpiDerSkiitLeSaMm, 31 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 222.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2010
Hey I'm Steph :)
How are you?
I'm from Adelaide.
I LOVE your 'favourite' music! I have never mean anyone who likes 30 seconds to mars :D It's good to find people who know good music!
inactive user
inactive user
Just want to say hello, because I also realy love the spider pig. Hope you're fine.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2009
Heyy :]
How are you?
inactive user
hey how are u im krystal
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2008
Heyyz ..
hows it doiin ?
Im beckzii .
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2008
hey do you want to be pals maybe. Dude we like have the same taste in music and I love the movie a walk to remember. Its awesome. I watched Cry baby but didnt really like it because it was reallly crude. I really want to read Twilight but my stupid library has it checked out so I cant read it yet. :(
So how are you?
Savannah A
inactive user
Yeh, i saw them once st the community centre adn the acoustics were terrible so it wasn't that good.

How was youth camp?
inactive user
I just read that early bird tiks are 110 and public release are 130 release and that is 100% true :).
inactive user
$200??? wat??????????????
I would pay that much, Yer i went this year... it was sick, but there were lots of problems LOL, but they are fixing it for next year. but have you seen the line up, it's worth like $1000!
i went to a random gig last night in a classroom, it was pretty hxc... lol. and I heard Carpathian are coming to Nowra LOLz. that would be ultimate if they did. Oh and I see you like NST aye, have you seen them?
I saw them a Bommo Comunity center thing it was ok but the acoustics were terrible.

Oh really, you should have told me that you were down here, yer I'm on the other side of the river from Nowra :) Coolendel, I've heard of that place, what did you do down there?
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