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Goeun, 32 y.o.
Manchester, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2015
Hi :) I hope you are having a good time :) I am in Manchester too, since 4 days, and its a city quite boring without friends :( hahaha.. help meeee. :P
inactive user
haha i can understand you, I'm moving to Barcelona too, it's a bummer. I gotta go there till summer because if I wanna go into uni I have to finish my last year of college and take some exams in there... Good luck with your move!
inactive user
Oh, that's great. But are you an exchange student? I meant, are you going to any uni in manchester or just you're attending to English courses?
Yes, I have lots of books to improve it on my own, moreover I talk on skype with friends, and every week I go to international meet-ups to practise English. If you have a lot of willpower it's easy to study on your own. Im studying by learning distance as well the last course of my college to go into some british uni next year. Unfortunately, I think I'll gotta come bk to Barcelona in one week till summer, but it's not sure yet...
inactive user
It sounds really good! Do you plan to stay here for long time? You said you are planning to travel around Europe. Go for it. I'm improving my English as well, just on my own.
I think that with a working holiday visa you have around 2 years to stay away, aren't you?
inactive user
I'm fine, thanks! Are you a exchange student in Manchester?
D'you like it?
inactive user
Another pal in Manchester! Thanks for visiting my profile :)

How are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2014
not a problem ladchapm8
inactive user
Hello! ^__^
You live in Manchester?! Cool ^__^ me too! :3
I love to meet you and hang out! ^__^
inactive user
Happy to hear that :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2013
im not sure what i will do tomorrow, today i was lazy because of my day off, because tomorrow is really bad winds :(
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