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SixxCallander, 35 y.o.
Florence, Italy [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 108.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2013
Haha, no worries. I'm never on either. I actually haven't finished both yet, I started reading The Long Ships instead, which I really liked. You should check it out, if you like history!
Cool, I'm going to see Sigur Ros next November. Also, I'm going to Italy in the near future - I'm going with Interrail there, we'll probably visit Florence and/or Rome. :)
inactive user
Oh haha :P I guess you should just start learning some words, basic stuff and then learn some grammar. I have no idea actually, maybe watch some movies and listen to some norwegian music :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2013
Basically I enjoy the build up of adrenaline - via horror movies...or other risky ventures. You like vikings? I have viking history :) My great x100 grandmother was raped by a Viking on my father's side 0_0!
inactive user
Not much at all, I've never taken any classes or anything. I know random quotes from one of my favourite movies: La vida es bella
How much norwegian do you know?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2012
I read it in Swedish, but I found the translation entirely satisfying. I'm curious about the fact that you percieve Joseph Conrad's English as somewhat lacking, I percieved him as being extremely eloquent. Guess the translators did a good job, hehe.
The quote is great, it kind of sums up the quasi-nihilistic core message of the book. Unfortunately I don't have my copy of it here, and I don't remember any particular quotes of my own. However, the message appealed to me in a way that made me start thinking. I also wrote a short report on it, but that's a long time ago now. :((
I got 1984 and La Nausée for christmas though, so I'll be preoccupied for a few days ahead, lel.

I noticed you like "viking history", by the way. I happen to be a fan of history as well, and of antiquity and medieval times especially. I've even been picking up some Icelandic. :) What kinds of music do you like?
inactive user
Yeah that would be great :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2012
oh, you find it unusual for foreigners to be interested in languages? :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2012
inactive user
Yeah, Skandinavia is expensive as hell:( Learning Danish, Icelandic and Swedish? Awsome, but why learn two skandinavian languages? Just learn Norwegian and you get a good understanding of Danish and Swedish too;) I had math exams, what about you?
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