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Leo, 34 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 223.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2017
Howdy Leo, lol. Yes things seem to be going well for this old man. How have you been doing? It sure has been a long time, my old friend though I still think about you from time to time. Happy Holidays to you and your family and friends and be well.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2012
Nice to meet you too ^^
inactive user
hello :D
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2012
Happy Birthday to you Leo!
inactive user
成都人啊?哈哈,我明天会到成都实习,有什么好去处介绍下 ,还有请问高新区的租房资讯有了解吗?谢谢
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2010
You are most welcome my friend! I hope everything works out well for you. Thank you so very much for your answer. I wish there was something I could do to help you find some time and rest. Hey want me to do your English homework, lol? I might have a chance to get it right. haha. I am looking forward to the day you have a few extra minutes, my friend.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010
Leo, I am so very happy to have finally heard from you. I hope I get to chat with you before your holiday is over. Haha me have plans? Never happen for me it is the same old thing every day! Wake up in the morning , have coffee then lunch, then dinner and finally back to sleep, lol Oh yeah, in between I watch TV and play around with my computer. I will send you a message via email in a few minutes. It would be around 1 AM there now so I hope you get to read it in the morning.
Your best friend in the US,
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2010
Leo, Is your email address still the same? I have written you a few times and knowing you are busy I assumed that was why I hadn't heard from you, but from one of my addresses I got an automated reply saying there was no such address. Weird huh as the other one seems to go thru. Hope to hear from you soon
inactive user
are u there??
inactive user
Let's talk tmr morning,ok?^^
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