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Shini, 33 y.o.
Budapest, Hungary [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 307.
inactive user
Happy birthday ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2013
inactive user
subtitles! I guess youdid karaoke when you were child, ro not? hahaha
We will see if I can "improve" my Hungarian after watch the movie (yeah, sure) xD
inactive user
so, Csapd LE Csacs is your favorite?
I tried to find a trailer, but I couldnt, so now I'll try to find some subtitles, and if not, I'll take the risk and watch it without subtitles hahahaha, later I tell you what I thinkg about the movie ;)
And the Illustrations of Vuk, it looks amazing! you were right about you have super nice cartoons in Hungary
inactive user
am I lucky? hahahha come on! How it can be THAT bad!, if you don't advice, I'll have to do a research in internet hahahaa.
So do you have nice cartoons? it is sad that, I would not understand what they said, once I met somebody from Hungary, and I tried to learn some words, but it was IMPOSSIBLE! hahahahaa
inactive user
hey thanks! yes, I love movies, so, if anytime you need some advice, maybe I can help you with that :)
So there is some classic movies from Hungary? I never watched some film from your country, if you can advice me, it would be nice
inactive user
wow, about anime, I must to say, I do not know :/
But I can suggest you (no anime) a very good movie from south korea "Old boy" you can check the trailer in youtube ;)

There is no trailer of Oshin, but here you can read something, to know the story:

Here is the first episode:
inactive user
yes, for me it is like travel in time, I listen some old blink song and I remember funny or stupid things hahahahaha
I see you like japonese stuff, have you ever watch Oshin? it is old fashion soap opera, it is very good, you can see the life of japoneses and how it changes
inactive user
yeap, but when I was 19 hahhaa now my taste change it little bit, and I must to say, it is nice that, you listen different music styles :)
inactive user
"pop: Linkin park, Sum41, Blink" you make a good point in that!
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